This digital download is 218 pages and is a gentle approach to elementary. It comes with light math, letter practice, scavenger hunts, a list of activities, a nature journal, a morning weather and feelings chart, games, our new Kindergarten alphabet cards, multiple booklists, and more!
*Originally the goal of kindergarten was not so much focused on teaching reading and writing but on developing overall cognitive and social-emotional skills which to this day, is still very important. Children learn through play, books, and exploring and are learning everywhere not just at a desk utilizing curriculum. Now you may be wondering why I have created a curriculum for pre-k and Kindergarteners. This is because some children may show interest early and this download provides a gentle introduction to elementary. Some families homeschool multiple age groups, so this curriculum gives an option for families to provide something for the younger ones to do so they feel included. Not every homeschooled family teaches the same way; this curriculum can be utilized however you feel is fit for your child.
*Each page can be used with a restaurant menu and a dry-erase marker so that the pages can be re-used.
*Our approach to math is gentle and slower. For a full math program, I recommend the Simply Good and Beautiful Math K. It is free to download here: math-k/
*Digital Download - Books and physical items not included
K-1 Gentle Approach
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